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Booking Through Thursday - Inspired

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"Since 'Inspiration' is (or should) the theme this week … what is your reading inspired by?"

My response:

Easy.  I love to read.  Books.  Magazines. Blogs.  Newspapers.  Reading is such a fundamental skill.

I wasn't always like this.

I didn't get much of a chance when I was growing up and didn't develop an interest until later in life.  I hated reading assignments in high school and never finished any of the assigned novels.  I'd skim through to get the "jist" of the story and listen to classmates' reviews just so when it came time for me to write my own report or written exam, I'd at least get a passing grade.

Now, with three little ones, just as my blog titles states, "Inspiring Book Worms" is what I'm trying to do.  I hope to instill in them what wasn't passed on to me or what I didn't grasp when I was young.

Thankfully I love to read now, they see me reading a lot and we read aloud stories most every day.

So what inspires you to read?

Happy Reading!


SmilingSally said…
Ah, you're a good mother, who is giving her children the GIFT of the love of reading! Happy BTT

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